Exploring nature’s pattern magic

Cover of Exploring nature's pattern magicPatterns in nature are beautiful. Exploring Nature's Pattern Magic by Dee and Mike Pignéguy is an ingenious, well designed book that captures those spectacular forms - from spirals to fractals, and crystals to camouflage.

There is a lot of fascinating scientific information in here, presented in neat bite-sized snippets. Here's some things I learned:

  • The patterns you see in rose petals are equiangular spirals.
  • Spheres are circles in three dimensions.
  • The head of the marine iguana is a study in tessellations.
  • There are Fibonacci patterns in pineapples.

There's an action point in each chapter, encouraging kids to find examples in nature and lots more activities at the back.

I think adults will like this as much as kids. Yay science!

For more information, visit Dee's website Feed me right.

Science for kids

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