It’s 2am… let’s blog!

It’s 2am, I can’t get back to sleep. What to do? My super alert 2am brain has the answer:

Let’s blog!

Sometimes I get asked about blogging: where do the ideas come from; when do I get time to blog;  what’s the whole process? In a nutshell, I believe –  if it’s keeping me awake at 2am, it’s probably something other people will relate to and maybe want to read.

Here’s this morning’s 2am musings – all eminently bloggable in my opinion:

  • Cover of Yoga BitchHow can I be a fantastic granny? Where’s the book on The Dummies' Guide to Grannyhood? I can generate quite a bit of brain-play on this topic, but it never sends me to sleep. Next.
  • Why are good things so often earnest, so humourless: Organic this, Spiritual that, Dietary whatever. Where’s the light-hearted look at Rammed-Earth Housing or Climate Change or Yoga. But wait, what about Yoga Bitch? I read the subtitle: One Woman’s Quest to Conquer Scepticism, Cynicism and Cigarettes on the Path to Enlightenment. Next topic please.
  • What is the relationship between isolation and polarisation of behaviour? Take The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin and Plainsong by Kent Haruf. Lone men in isolated places and the arrival of pregnant, feral teenage girls. Is there a blog on mirror-image books? Not tired yet. Next.
  • Why doesn’t anyone tell young people that once you have kids you can’t really travel for ages? OK, you might manage a trip to Hanmer Springs – with military precision planning. Either that or you do travel with kids and spoil everyone else’s holiday. Try reading What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding. Almost there, but Next.
  • Cover of Contents May Have ShiftedHow come we think we have to travel all over the world to gain spiritual enlightenment, when it could probably just as easily happen from home? Because it makes for a better read? A good book on this (and with a terrific title) is Contents May Have Shifted by Pam Houston. Brain winding down now.

Finally drift off to sleep. Leap out of bed (OK, drag self out of bed) at 7-ish. Bash out blog before brekkie and submit it.

That’s my way.

How do other bloggers get it all together?

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