Mimi Kiwi – in Inspector Flytrap

Inspector Flytrap in The Da Vinci Cold (2016)
by Tom Angleberger & Cece Bell

Inspector Flytrap

A kiwi in a mystery... How curious!

Written and illustrated by the talented and prolific husband and wife team of Tom Angleberger and Cece Bell, Inspector Flytrap is a series of books about a flytrap trying to become the greatest detective that ever 'grew.' This means he hasn't got time for small-fry mysteries to solve - he only handles 'Big Deal' mysteries. He is accompanied by his helpful/unhelpful assistant Nina the Goat who eats everything, unfortunately. It is hard to be incognito when you have to cart around goat-proof gadgets.

Their first big mystery sends them to a top secret art lab to help some art scientists get some perspective. Case quickly closed. And then he meets "a really grumpy rat" - Mimi Kiwi. When one of her flowers goes missing, Mimi tries to enlist the help of Inspector Flytrap...

"I know what you're thinking, Mr. Flytrap! Well, I'm not a rat. I'm a kiwi. Mimi Kiwi."
"Hello, Mimi Kiwi," I said. "I am Inspector Flytrap... I'm sorry I thought you were a rat."
"Hmmph," said the really grumpy kiwi.
"What's a kiwi?" I asked.
"DUH!" said Mimi Kiwi. "I am."

It was quite a surprise to stumble over a kiwi in this kid's book since it's published in America, so I talked to the author Tom Angleberger all the way in the USA to find out what inspired his Mimi Kiwi character.

Tom said:
I'm so glad you enjoyed the kiwi in our story.... even if she was rather rude! I've been fascinated with kiwis since I was a kid. My first exposure might have been a book called "Birds do the Strangest Things". Not only are they interesting birds, but that name: kee wee! It's fun to say! ...Plus it's short and this is a book for easy readers!

When Cece went to draw the pictures for the book, she must have looked at photos of kiwis and thought the wings were just hard to see.... because for a while Mimi Kiwi had wings! When I told Cece that kiwis are wingless then she had to figure out how to draw one DRIVING a truck! That's not easy, but Cece is the greatest so she figured it out!

Mimi Kiwi makes a return in the third book in the series Inspector Flytrap: The Goat Who Chewed Too Much - out now.

The books in this series make for a snappy read (pun intended), punctuated with one-page comics throughout. Ideal for ages 6-9.

Other comics by the duo include Cece's Rabbit & Robot and comic El Deafo and Tom's Origami Yoda Book series

Don't be afraid to contact an author or illustrator you admire and make a connection - you might just solve a mystery!