OverDrive has gone all multilingual!

One of our busiest and most popular eResources is OverDrive, an eBook and eAudiobook service that lets you download your favourite titles for free. Recently in recognition of the variety of people we have in our fair city of Christchurch we have added a number of titles in other languages. So far there are a number of eBook titles in Chinese, Korean and Tagalog.

These eBooks are for grownups as well as children and cover both fiction and nonfiction titles. What we need to do now is to spread the word about their existence. So if you speak - or are learning - any of these languages then do take the time to explore these eBooks. If you know of people that speak these languages, then please tell them about this fantastic resource. As a library, word of mouth is one of our most important tools to make sure everyone is aware of the many services we offer to those who are not native English speakers.

Read Jo's post in Korean about the Korean eBooks.

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