Rāapa – Wednesday: Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022

Maranga mai ngā kaitiaki kei rō i Ngā Kete Wānanga o Ōtautahi,

Āio ki te Aorangi x2
Aroha ki te Aorangi x2
Koa, koa, koa ki te Aorangi x2
Pono ki te Aorangi x2
Āio ki te Aorangi x2

Peace to the universe x2
Love to the universe x2
Joy to the universe x2
Truth to the universe x2
Peace to the universe x2

Nā Rangimārie Te Turuki Rose Pere i tito tēnei karakia, he karakia mīharo rawa atu, he kōrero kia kōtahi tātou, me whakanui tātou ngā kōrero, ‘pono ki ahau’ he tangata rerekē tātou ki a tātou, kaua e wareware he kōtahi anake ōu kei rō i tēnei ao.

Kei te tūmanako au, kia pai hoki tō wiki, kia kaha I tō reo ka puta ki te ao ki ia tangata ki ia tangata.

Keeping it shorter even though it seems longer with a karakia composed by Dr Rose Pere in which she talks and shared this karakia/waiata internationally. It speaks about giving all praises and life back to the universe, looking at how we are all unique individuals and the power of truth to yourself, truth to others and your truth to the world, don’t forget you are one in 4-5 billion people on this world, so never forget how awesome you are. If you’ve heard of the ‘Te Wheke’ Māori health model, you’ll understand slowly about the use of traditional Māori methods linked to support and connect health practices that ultimately benefit the holistic viewing of our whānau, our patients and so forth. She utilises a spiritual assessment to help guide our way of thinking and shift from looking at the individual at a surface level. 

Kupu Hou For the Day: Whakaaro – thought, opinion, to think

In context you could use this kupu like this, “what are your thoughts?” “what is your whakaaro?” Slight change up but the puku of the question remains the same. Or you could use this in the context of, “I have an idea.” “I have a whakaaro.”

Taha Wairua

This side of our whare looks into the spiritual connections that we make, those spiritual connections both above and below us that binds us to our environment, binding us to the different winds and most importantly, binding us together in forms of relationships, friendships and so much more. It also looks at purpose and meaning in things like values that you hold strong to your heart. For some, it is the spiritual connection of you and your God within the religious beliefs, for others it may be the power of the land, the winds and sea. It also looks into you as an individual, how do you tell and share your story to the world? For Māori, aligning our days and work outputs to the maramataka was a key way to boost productivity, identify good days and bad days as well as connecting the work we do, our surroundings and things going on within both physical and spiritual elements by aligning with the different phases of the moon. I use this as a guide to support with my energy levels as I understand that I have my good days, my bad days and my meh days too.

Whakataukī: Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua

This whakataukī translates into “walking backwards into the future” talks about walking into the future with all the learnings of the past, highlighting how far you’ve brought them into the present and how to utilise and develop these as you walk into the future. If you’re familiar with the classic The Lion King that movie teaches and continues to show us different meanings to life and how connecting to all those around us to truly understand a thing called “The Circle of Life”. Let the sounds of Timone and Pumba fill your ears as they share their whakaaro with Simba, us and their world they are in. This movie houses so much to do with the different holistic elements of life, so have a rewatch of the film, listen to the songs and try figure out a piece that resonates with you.



This is an upbeat tune that was composed by a rōpū called MAIMOA, released in 2017 areare mai o koutou taringa (open your ears) to this sweet tune called Wairua. This song talks about wairua, what it is and how it feels. We know that spirits and emotions come in waves of uncertainty and spontaneous outbursts so let the sounds of that internal drum beat and guide you back.

It’s a stunner of a Wednesday, ahakoa he hau makariri, ka whiti mai a Tamanuiterā i te ata. Get amongst the rays of Tāne Rore and let the wairua of the Sun fill you and uplift you as the day goes on today. Remember to keep hydrated, keep motivated and most importantly, keep on being you!

Ngā mihi
Kaitakawaenga Māori
Māori Services