Ready, set, READ

Kids who read succeed stickerMy toddler loves books and at only one year-old he already has his favourites (Boom, baby boom boom! gets regular outings) however he's a bit young yet to read them himself. But how do you know when your littl'un is ready to start tackling the mighty task of reading?

For advice you need look no further than our recently revamped Ready for Reading pack.

In it you'll find an informative booklet that outlines the important skills your child needs to have in order to start reading, some handy tips on how to get preschoolers interested in books, and suggestions of further resources to help get your child on the road to reading.

The pack also contains a special bilingual storybook, Storytime Te Wā Kōrero which features a simple story for young readers and gorgeous illustrations with a Christchurch feel. Also included are stickers and a magnet.

And the best bit? The Ready for Reading pack is free to all four-year olds. Just rock up to one of our libraries with your budding reader in tow and claim yours!

Check out these kids at the Ready for Reading launch at Aranui Library this week. Those are some book-keen future readers.

Ready for reading launch at Aranui Library

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