Quick Questions with Diana Wichtel – WORD Christchurch

CoverWe are asking quick questions of writers and thinkers coming to the WORD Christchurch Festival 2018 (Wednesday 29 August to Sunday 2 September).

Diana Wichtel is a multi-award-winning journalist and a feature writer and television critic at the New Zealand Listener. She has been a New Zealand Herald columnist, a television reviewer for Radio Live and a writer of dialogue for television.

What are you looking forward to doing in Christchurch?

Taking in again the indomitable spirit of the place and, as it happens, taking a look at the soon to be opened new library.

What do you think about libraries?

They should be the heart of a community. Seeing all the kids lounging about reading at our new library in Devonport gives me hope.

CoverWhat would be your desert island book?

Maus by Art Spiegelman, a two volume account in comic form of the Spiegelman family’s Holocaust history and its legacy. Devastating, quite often funny, audacious, inexhaustible.

Share a surprising fact about yourself.

I’ve been in the same relationship for 37 years, lived in the same house for 36 years, worked at the NZ Listener for 34 years. Surprisingly resistant to change.

Diana Wichtel's session at WORD Christchurch Festival 2018

Diana Wichtel: Driving to Treblinka Sunday 2 September 11.30am