Download and listen. We have eAudiobooks for you, whatever your age group or interest
Use your library card to borrow eAudiobooks for adults, kids and young adults. Download to your device so you can listen when you're on the move. There is a huge range - bestsellers, mysteries, thrillers, biographies and romance novels.

Listen to Richard Osman's The Last Devil to Die on BorrowBox
Listen to The Survivors by Jane Harper on BorrowBox
Talking Books Book Club
Listen to Richard Osman's The Last Devil to Die on BorrowBox
Listen to The Survivors by Jane Harper on BorrowBox
Talking Books Book Club
eAudiobooks FAQs
OverDrive is removing the MP3 audiobook format from our OverDrive website on November 13 2024. At the same time support for OverDrive's legacy desktop app for Windows and MAC is ending too.
OverDrive’s legacy desktop app for Windows and Mac was required for downloading MP3 audiobooks. This app has not been available to install since February 2022. As a result, this has caused confusion for customers who tried download the MP3 audiobook format but couldn't install the necessary software.
After this change, you can listen to audiobooks using the following options:
- Stream on a computer using the “Listen now in browser” format on our OverDrive website
- Stream on a computer using libbyapp.com
- Download for offline listening using Libby on a supported Android, iOS, or Amazon Fire device. Here's some tips for switching to Libby from OverDrive.
To get started all you will need is an internet connection, your email address and library card number and password/PIN
The BorrowBox apps allow mobile device users to download eBooks and eAudiobooks directly onto their smart device. For users without a compatible BorrowBox device - you can download eAudiobooks directly to your computer.
No, to download an eAudiobook to your desktop you only require a media manager or media device that is MP3 compatible. Most computers already have these installed. For example most Windows computers have Windows Media Player or VLC player and Mac computers will have iTunes.
For downloading and listening on smartphones and tablets you will need the BorrowBox mobile app. These apps are available in iOS (Apple) from the App Store and Android from Google Play.
The speed of your download depends on your own internet connection and the size of the eAudiobook. If you are using a dial-up connection or have selected a large eAudiobook to download, you may want to use the option of downloading in parts.
After you log in go to your My Account page, from there you can update your details by clicking the Edit Account Details button.
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