
We occasionally run competitions for kids, teens and adults. Enter and win!

Wish on a star – Bookmark competition: Vote for your favourite!

Thanks for all your fabulous bookmark competition entries. Now it's time to vote! Just pick your favourite from the following finalists:

Vote now!

About the competition

Take inspiration from Hiwa-i-te-rangi, the Matariki star who brings the promise of a prosperous season and fulfilment of wishes. Unleash your creativity and craft a bookmark that embodies your wishes and aspirations for the new year. Whether you're young or young at heart, all are welcome to participate. Once the finalists are selected, it's over to the community to vote for the winning design. The winning bookmark will be printed and shared at our libraries. Plus, the winner will receive bookmarks to share with friends and whānau. 

Voting is open from Tuesday 16 July; the winners will be announced Thursday 1 August 2024. 

Terms and conditions

  • The competition is open from Saturday 1 June to Monday 1 July 2024.
  • Winners will be announced on the Christchurch City Libraries website.
  • Prize allocation is at the discretion of the Christchurch City Council. All decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • Prize is not transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Entries must have all correct contact details.
  • Entries will become property of Christchurch City Libraries.

Previous competitions

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