RBdigital Magazines have moved to OverDrive Magazines

OverDrive have bought RBdigital and our RBdigital magazine collection has moved to Libby and OverDrive. You will continue to be able to browse, borrow, and enjoy all the same great magazines from RBdigital you loved in the RBdigital app, using Libby from OverDrive.

OverDrive Magazines

Borrowing magazines on OverDrive or Libby will be different from RBdigital:

  • Magazines will be always available like they are now on RBdigital.
  • Magazines will have a loan period of 7, 14, 21 or 28 days (you choose) after this time your loan will automatically expire and your loan will return.
  • You will be able to renew your magazine loan if you haven't finished reading it.
  • Auto check out of new issues won't be available.
  • You will no longer get alerts when new issues are available.
  • Up to 3 years of back issues will be available to borrow for some titles.

RBdigital Magazines

 You will still be able to you use RBdigital  for now, but the RBdigital platform will be discontinued in the coming months.