Job Applications

There are various ways companies can ask you to apply for a job. Some offer online application forms or the opportunity to email your application and CV while others will prefer you to send in a paper copy.

Iit is important yours stands out for all the right reasons. Keep it short, professional, to the point and make sure spelling, grammar and punctuation are in order.

If you are required to complete an application form:

  • Always follow the instructions
  • Stick to the point
  • Present it well

You may be asked to submit your CV instead of or as well as an application form. Always include a cover letter with your CV. The cover letter can be as important as your CV, which is why the same criteria should apply to the letter as to your CV.

A cover letter tells the employer for what type of position you are applying and how you are qualified for that position. It highlights the features of your experience that are most useful to the potential employer. Employers can get hundreds of applications when they advertise a position. Often the person screening applications skims each for only a few seconds. A cover letter can call attention to the skills, talents, and experience for which the employer is looking and make you stand out from the other applicants.

Find out more about CVs

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The library also has a range of books you can use to improve your application.


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