
To stand the best chance to get the job you want or work in your chosen career, it may be necessary to get the right training. There are plenty of opportunities in New Zealand to ensure you have the required qualifications. You can choose to study full time or part time and for either on-campus or distance learning.

What training?

Use the Job Outlines section of Career Services to find out what training you need to do your chosen job.

Where should I train?

This is often down to personal choice. Would you consider moving or do you want to stay put? Do you want to study full time or get a job/continue working while you train? Use these things to help you decide:

  • Look at the Training section of Career Services.
  • CINCH: our database of community organisations and courses in the greater Christchurch area.

How do I pay for it?

  • Work and Income can advise you on your entitlements to scholarships, allowances and student loans.
  • Your chosen training or education provider may offer scholarships.
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