Have your say on our website changes

We launched a new look home page and browse pages on Thursday 12 December. What do you reckon?

Our library released a website upgrade on Thursday 12 December. Now that it has been in action for a week, we'd love to hear what you think.

New Homepage

We asked your opinion on three templates for the new homepage. Thanks to everyone for your invaluable feedback. 570 of you had your say, and most of you liked Option B. We used that as the basis for our fresh new homepage. There are buttons so you can easily access most popular parts of the website.

Easier to browse content

The new Explore page allows you to discover the wealth of content on our website -- in addition to browsing our homepage, format, and audience related pages.

New Pages

Our old Browse pages were replaced by these newbies:

What do you reckon?

We hope you enjoy the improvements. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please contact us at library@ccc.govt.nz or send feedback.