New For YouNew Titles & Selector Picks

New For You is a monthly selection of new books, topical titles, and hidden gems - chosen especially for you by our book buyers!
New For You is a monthly selection of new books, topical titles, and hidden gems - chosen especially for you by our book buyers!

Something for everyone in ‘Annual 3’

We have lots of talent here in Aotearoa, New Zealand – creative, funny, intelligent people who share their thoughts, ideas, art and knowledge with us in so many different ways. With over fifty local contributors sharing their work in one book, the third edition of Annual (edited by School Journal editor Susan Paris and author Kate De Goldi) is the perfect way for Kiwi kids and tweens to be introduced to some of these creatives.


Just like the old School Journals parents and grandparents will remember from their school days (am I the only one who remembers that special smell of the School Journal store room?!), Annual 3 is a treasure trove of stories, poems, and non-fiction writing, and so much more! This book is the perfect format for holiday or weekend reading – read through in order, use the contents page to skip straight to a particular comic or piece of writing, or just close your eyes, flick through, and see where you end up! Will you be…

  • cooking up a storm, using herbs and kai you’ve found out foraging?
  • learning and performing a Troy Kingi song for your whānau?
  • knitting a ‘brainy’ beanie?
  • making an action plan to save the environment? (Hint: biking or walking to school, growing your own veges, and composting any food scraps for the garden are easy ways to start!)
  • practicing your te reo with Ben Brown’s Pangakupu (crossword)?

Whether you eagerly devour every book you can get your hands on, prefer to be outside playing sports, or only read activity books, there is bound to be something in Annual 3 that takes your fancy. This book is a wonderful representation of the diverse people and cultures here in Aotearoa New Zealand, and readers will get to see both characters like themselves and people who are different.

There are also opportunities for young Kiwis to learn about some of the events and people in our past – Melinda Arkle’s Gone Girls: The Ones We Almost Forgot tells the stories of three New Zealand women who are still having an impact in our society today, while The Champion (by Maurice Gee, illustrated by Ant Sang) is a comic strip about American soldiers coming to New Zealand during the Second World War, and some of the discrimination some of them faced.

The first two editions of Annual were an absolute delight to read, and Annual 3 is no different. With something for every 9-13 year old reader, this is the perfect book to have on the shelf at home.

Annual 3
commissioned and edited by Susan Paris and Kate De Goldi.
Published by Annual Ink
ISBN: 9780473622183

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