Altruism and Passion

We had a ball at WORD Christchurch's Shifting Points of View sessions on Sunday 30 August. Tonight - Monday 7 September - there are two more diversely fab events. One on altruism (sold out!), and one on passion.

There is still time to book for Sarah Waters. Tania is a big fan - calling her the mistress of the agonising twist.

Cover of The most good you can do6pm On Effective Altruism: Peter Singer, chaired by Eric Crampton

Effective altruism requires a rigorously unsentimental view of charitable giving, urging that a substantial proportion of our money or time should be donated to the organisations that will do the most good with those resources ...

Find works in our catalogue by Peter Singer

8pm Crimes of Passion: Sarah Waters, chaired by Carole Beu

Sarah Waters’ hugely inventive novels usually have lesbian relationships at their heart, and are always set in the past, when remaining true to oneself came at great personal risk.

Find works in our catalogue by Sarah Waters

Cover of The Paying Guest Cover of Fingersmith Cover of The Little Stranger Cover of Tipping the velvet Cover of Affinity Cover of The Night watch

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