Bridget Williams Books

Bridget Williams Books Online Collections

Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction ebooks brought together online for the first time – these are landmark digital resources. The BWB platforms are optimised viewing for mobile and tablet devices and on any modern web browser, have full text searching through individual or multiple titles.

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection brings together leading thinking on this foundational document, including works by acclaimed scholars such as Claudia Orange, Judith Binney, Vincent O’Malley, Alan Ward and Aroha Harris.

The New Zealand History Collection provides complete online access to a major, authoritative resource – over thirty years of award-winning history and biography publishing from Bridget Williams Books. Includes recent and out-of-print titles, from scholars Judith Binney and Vincent O'Malley.

The BWB Texts Collection are short books on big subjects: succinct narratives spanning history, memoir, contemporary issues, science and more from great New Zealand writers. Packed full of fresh thinking, ideas and critical analysis of subjects relevant to New Zealand.

The Critical Issues Collection provide online access to over 40 key books addressing the big issues facing New Zealand today including housing, inequality, climate change, child poverty, the environment, migration, financial crisis, and more.

The Women's Studies Collection provides access to the history of New Zealand women, and a series of ground-breaking books on women's issues, lives and histories. The Collection includes The Women's Suffrage Petition 1893 alongside key works on politics, economics and feminism.

The New Zealand Sign Language Collection has reference material alongside  accounts of Deaf experience. Using rich multimedia and visuals which could not be delivered to libraries in traditional means. Includes access to Rachel McKee's New Zealand Sign Language: A Reference Grammar.

Te Pouhere KōreroThe official journal, Te Pouhere Kōrero – Māori History, Māori People, focuses on Māori and indigenous history. The first volume was published in 1999, with ten volumes in total published by 2023. All volumes have been digitised and available by BWB Collections.

BWB Online Collections

Bridget Williams Books Online Collections

The Treaty of Waitangi Collection

A collection of searchable electronic reference books on the Treaty of Waitangi from leading thinkers on this foundational document.

New Zealand History Collection

Access major and authoritative New Zealand history and biography published by Bridget Williams Books.

Te Pouhere Kōrero - Māori History, Māori People

Explore the rich narratives of Māori and indigenous history, available through BWB.

BWB Texts Collection

A series of short books on serious public interest topics by great New Zealand writers.
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