Bridget Williams Books BWB online collections eBooks
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
Search or browse the interactive Christchurch Streets map to find the origins of our city's street names.
Researched by Christchurch City Libraries, the streets information comes from published works, manuscripts, interviews, as a well as Christchurch City Council archives.
Access issues of the New Zealand Gazette and related publications from 1841 to 2011. Available in PDF format.
Access this at any of our libraries.
A wide range of fiction and nonfiction eBooks with a focus on New Zealand writers and publishers. The collection includes fiction and non–fiction items for adults, young adults and children. Borrow with your library card and password / PIN.
Access available for Christchurch residents only.
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
A comprehensive index of New Zealand artist names that directs researchers to further information sources.
findNZarticles provides access to New Zealand content, including material by or about New Zealanders, from a range of New Zealand newspapers and journals.
An index of abstracts and descriptions of articles in New Zealand publications from the 1950's in English, and from September 2007 in te reo Māori.
INNZ is no longer being updated. Indexing ceased on 21 June 2024.
We no longer subscribe to the Knowledge Basket version, you can now access this via the University of Auckland website.
The MLCMBI is an index to the volumes of Māori Land Court Minute Books produced by The Māori Land Court — Te Kooti Whenua Māori. The Māori Land Court Minute Books contain judges' notes on court sittings from 1865 to 1910 from the Taitokerau, Waikato-Maniapoto, Tairawhiti, Waiariki, Aotea, Takitimu, and Waipounamu Māori Land Court Districts.
Physical copies of the South Island and Chatham Island minutes are held in the Ngā Pounamu Māori Centre. The entire collection is available at the Macmillan Brown Library.
Access issues of the New Zealand Gazette and related publications from 1841 to 2011. Available in PDF format.
Access this at any of our libraries.
A magazine archive that celebrates New Zealand's people, places and wildlife. Also includes access to documentaries, virtual reality videos, photography and podcasts.
The New Zealand History Collection provides complete online access to a major, authoritative resource – over thirty years of award-winning history and biography publishing from Bridget Williams Books. Over ninety titles, including recent additions to BWB’s history list such as the widely acclaimed Great War for New Zealand by Vincent O’Malley, as well as multiple works by late historian Judith Binney.
NewsBank - Access New Zealand is the largest online collection of national, regional, rural, and local news sources from across the North and South Islands.
Digitised New Zealand newspapers, periodicals, letters, diaries and parliamentary papers from 1839 to 1945. Coverage includes The Press from 1861 to 1989.
Te Kerēme is a selective index to the Ngāi Tahu claim.
Te Puna is a web-based search service giving access to what is held in New Zealand libraries and worldwide.
The Treaty of Waitangi Collection brings together leading thinking on this foundational document, including works by acclaimed scholars such as Claudia Orange, Judith Binney, Vincent O’Malley, Alan Ward and Aroha Harris. This Collection is a living resource backed by a long-term vision for Treaty scholarship into the twenty-first century.
The Women's Studies Collection from Bridget Williams Books provides access to the history of New Zealand women, and a series of ground-breaking books on women's issues, lives and histories. The Collection includes the widely acclaimed A History of New Zealand Women by Barbara Brookes, and The Women’s Suffrage Petition 1893. Significant biographies (Suzanne Aubert, Lauris Edmond, Pauline O’Regan) enrich the historical narrative, alongside key works on politics, economics and feminism.
Canterbury Stories is our place for collecting and presenting online collections from our digitised archives, publications, photographs and community. Canterbury Stories includes material from Photo Hunts, exhibitions on Christchurch places and themes, sets of images, as well as a growing collection of archive and published material.
This database covers interments in Christchurch City Council managed cemeteries. Apart from some on Banks Peninsula, church cemeteries are not included. There are very few records for the Barbadoes Street cemetery listed. Cremation details are not included in this database unless there was an ashes burial.
Details of interments from Christchurch City Council cemeteries compiled by the Greenspace Unit of the Christchurch City Council.
Search or browse the interactive Christchurch Streets map to find the origins of our city's street names.
Researched by Christchurch City Libraries, the streets information comes from published works, manuscripts, interviews, as a well as Christchurch City Council archives.
CINCH, Community INformation CHristchurch contains information for around 6,000 organisations, course providers and individuals.
The Discovery Wall showcases images and videos curated from the Christchurch City Libraries Digital Heritage collection, you can visit the wall at Tūranga or the Mobile Discovery Wall when it visits your local library or you can search or browse the images on our Discovery Wall website. You can contribute to the Discovery Wall by uploading images or videos.
An index to selected articles, obituaries and reviews published in The Press, Christchurch Mail, Christchurch Star, Star Midweek and Star Weekender.
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BiblioWeb: webapp02 Version 4.25.1 Last updated 2025/02/13 09:24