Hoake ki te Taiao City Nature Challenge

Hoake ki te Taiao City Nature Challenge

Help put Ōtautahi Christchurch's biodiversity on the map! Take part and record as many species possible.

The 2025 City Nature Challenge is on from 25 April to 28 April.


Lily Duval is drawing bugs!

Apr 13th | 11:30am - 1:00pm
Get drawing and painting at this City Nature Challenge themed art workshop with author-illustrator, Lily Duval. Materials will be supplied.

Observing the Natural World: Dr Morgane, Canterbury Museum

Apr 14th | 11:00am - 2:00pm
Drop in to see live stick insects, cool museum specimens, sea creatures and learn about the City Nature Challenge and iNaturalist app.

Observing the Natural World: Dr Morgane, Canterbury Museum

Apr 16th | 11:00am - 2:00pm
Drop in to see live stick insects, cool museum specimens, sea creatures and learn about the City Nature Challenge and iNaturalist app.

Get involved!

Information from iNaturalist NZ
From 25 to 28 April, join us as we make as many observations of as many species as we can from the Christchurch District (including the central city, suburbs, and Banks Peninsula), and upload them all to iNaturalist.NZ.

iNaturalist NZ – Mātaki Taiao
The place where you you can record what you see in New Zealand nature, meet other nature watchers, and learn about Aotearoa's natural world.

Join the City Nature Challenge Ōtautahi Christchurch project on iNaturalist NZ to get emailed event news and watch the event live.

Follow iNaturalist NZ Mātaki Taiao @inaturalistnz on Facebook

City Nature Challenge 2025: Ōtautahi/Christchurch

Participation is easy and free! Download the iNaturalist app to your mobile device:

Use the app to upload photos of organisms to iNaturalist NZ, and the friendly iNaturalist NZ community will help you identify them. It's as simple as that! You can also add observations straight to iNaturalist.NZ on the web if you prefer.

Follow these four easy steps:

  1. Grab your smart phone with the free iNaturalist app installed, or grab your camera
  2. Find some nature - a species of anything, whether you know it or not, from our hilltops to gardens to beaches.
  3. Take a picture.
  4. Share your findings on the iNaturalist app or upload them to the iNaturalist NZ website.

Observations for the 2025 global City Nature Challenge competition need to be made between the start of Friday 25 April and the end of Monday 28 April. After that, everyone with some nature expertise will get stuck in identifying the species, up to 4 May, with the global results being announced on 5 May.

You can watch what all participating New Zealand cities are finding at the Aotearoa-New Zealand City Nature Challenge 2025 page. Go global and see what is being found in cities around the world, and how NZ cities are doing in the global competition, at the global City Nature Challenge 2025 page




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About the City Nature Challenge (CNC)

The City Nature Challenge (CNC) started in 2016 as a competition between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It has grown into an international event, motivating people around the world to find and document wildlife in their own cities.

Run by the Community Science teams at the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM), the CNC is an annual four-day global bioblitz at the end of April, where cities are in a collaboration-meets-friendly-competition to see what can be accomplished when we all work toward a common goal.

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