Gale Health and Wellness
Consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
Note: Material contained in this health resource is intended for informational purposes only.
What dietary habits are associated with developing adult-onset diabetes? Are antioxidants really effective? What new advances have been made in the treatment of HIV/ AIDS? Gale Health and Wellness is your first-stop resource for answers to these and other health-related questions. Features include:
- An A-Z of diseases, medical conditions and alternative medicine;
- Search boxes for herb remedy or drug information;
- Top medical journals and general interest publications in full text;
- Full text reference works such as The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, The Gale Encyclopedia of Cancer and Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary;
- Many "See" and "See Also" cross-references guides;
- Health and risk assessment guides to help evaluate your risk of different diseases including cancer and diabetes.
The easy-to-navigate homepage features four major topic groupings:
Diseases and Conditions | Drugs | Diagnostics and Tests | Therapies, Treatments, and Surgeries.