Gale OneFile
Gale OneFile collections provide premium articles from magazines, journals, newspapers, and other authoritative sources. With extensive coverage across wide-ranging topics, you’ll find accurate information and articles to support your interests. The individual OneFile collections are subsets of Gale Academic OneFile and Gale General Onefile. Gale OneFile: News' and Gale OneFile: Australia & New Zealand content is independent from other OneFile products, as it is newspaper content from around the world, as opposed to journals.
All Gale OneFile products are searchable by eResources Discovery Search (eDS) and this is the best place to search for articles.
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Individual OneFile
Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including videos from BBC Worldwide Learning to thousands of podcasts and transcripts from CNN. It includes more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals (more than 8,000 in full text), and major reference sets including Gale Encyclopaedia of Science and Encyclopaedia of World Biography.
Gale General OneFile provides access to an unprecedented number of general reference magazines and key serials in a single resource. This database is useful to users conducting general reference queries, business searches, and current event research.
Gale OneFile: Australia & New Zealand has curated content from Australian, New Zealand and International sources covering important issues relating to Australia and New Zealand.
Gale OneFile: News provides access to more than 2,300 major world newspapers and includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. Use this resource for full text searching of the worlds news sources.
- Gale OneFile: Business
- Gale OneFile: Computer Science
- Gale OneFile: Diversity Studies
- Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy
- Gale OneFile: Fine Arts
- Gale OneFile: Gender Studies
- Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
- Gale OneFile: Popular Culture
- Gale OneFile: Popular Magazines
- Gale OneFile: Science
Gale OneFile Collections Resource Guide, opens a new window
Collaboration Tools
Integrated G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools enable users to share, save, and download content—including highlights and notes.
Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive, opens a new window
Citation Tools
Integrated directly into the user’s workflow, formatted citations can be easily imported from single or multiple documents to services like EasyBib or NoodleTools. MLA, APA, and Chicago-style citations are supported.
On Demand Translation
Content translation is available in 23 languages and platform translation in 34 languages—on-screen and read aloud.