Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

If you are researching anything some of the best sources of information come from newspaper or journal articles. We have access to so many collections of journals, newspapers and monographs, the tricky thing is know where to begin. To get started we have many collections that can be cross searched, the top pick would be using eResources Discovery Search (eDS) as this searches most of our eResource collections. eDS contains some of the great collections from EBSCO, Gale and Proquest which includes a huge amount of publications including peer-reviewed journals, full text journals and dissertations and eBooks.

If you are looking for full text versions of any publication, journal, magazine or report use Publicatons Finder by search using title, issn, publisher or subject.

If you want to delve into the past try Papers Past for NZ material or Gale Primary Sources  which has a huge selection of historical British newspapers and magazine archives.

First World War classics

An introductory look at writing, both fiction and non-fiction inspired by First World War.

PressReader: Newspapers from around the world

Use your library to access online newspapers and magazines in 60 different languages including Chinese, French, German, Arabic and more.

NewsBank - Access New Zealand

The largest online collection of national, regional, rural, and local news sources from across the North and South Islands.

OverDrive eMagazines

Thousands of eMagazines from around the world including many popular New Zealand titles.

AHR net

Art History Research Net provides full text access to a range of late 19th and early 20th century art, architecture and design publications.

Online Magazines and Newspapers

Article searching

Christmas magazines

Get inspired for Christmas by having a look at some of our fabulous magazines.

Top Magazines for 2023

We have hundreds of magazines available to borrow in our libraries. The following are some of our most popular magazines in 2023.

Selector Picks - Magazines - March 2023

Some of our most popular magazines are available to read in print at your local library and digitally via Libby / Overdrive.

Most Popular in 2022: Magazines

We have hundreds of magazines available to borrow in our libraries. The following are some of our most popular magazines in 2022.
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