School programme enquiry form Schools Programme Enquiry Form "*" indicates required fields Primary contact Name* First Last Primary contact Email* Primary contact PhoneProgramme for ākonga/students* Coding Creations Crafting Empathy: Minecraft Creative Design Workshop - Laptop Skin Creative Design Workshop - Poster Creative Design Workshop - T-shirt Miniature Maker Plan to Podcast Podcasting Essentials Product Design - Snakes and Ladders Other* - Multiple Programmes etc Book a Creative & Technician Other* - Multiple Programmes etc. Please add details belowLocation Preference*Please note: Due to equipment and or software needs we may be unable to run your programme choice at some locations. Auahatanga - Matatiki Hornby Centre Auahatanga - South Library Auahatanga - Tūranga Auahatanga - Te Hāpua: Halswell Centre Other* - at our school (if applicable) Other* - Choose Multiple Locations. Please add details belowDay Preferences*Subject to room and staff availability. Monday/s Tuesday/s Wednesday/s Thursday/s Friday/s Other* - please add more details in the next field Other* - add details hereTime PreferenceLeave blank for full day programmes AM PM Other* - please add more details in the next field Other* - add details hereTerm Preferences* Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Other* - please add more details in the next field Other* - add details hereWhat year level are the ākonga?*Students' year level(s) How many ākonga would you like to bring?*Enter a number (maximum 12 ākonga) How many kaiako & other adults will attend?e.g. Kaiako - 2, Other adults - 1 Special support?If your students have any special needs or requirements, please inform us. This allows us to allocate sufficient staffing and resources to ensure the best experience for all studentsAre there any other details you would like to share?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.