Smithsonian Collection Online
Search rare nineteenth and twentieth-century archives on topics like the evolving modes of flight, World's Fairs, and more.
The Smithsonian Collection Online contains four archives which can be searched individually or search across all four.
Evolution of Flight, 1784-1991
Spanning more than two centuries, Evolution of Flight, 1784-1991 offers researchers a wealth of primary documents ranging from the early era of aviation to the high-tech air fleets of the twentieth century. With documents such as photographs, diaries, correspondence, scrapbooks, draft technical specifications, government documents, and other primary source material from Smithsonian libraries, including the National Air and Space Museum archives and library, this archive covers the technical and social impact of aviation with astonishing breadth and detail. The archive supports enthusiasts and researchers interested in early flight, inventions, the military, the development of the commercial airline industry, women's studies, African American studies, and more.
Trade Literature and the Merchandizing of Industry
The evolution of business is inextricably linked with American and international history and identity. For the first time, researchers can now explore this aspect of American and international life via catalogs, pamphlets, advertising materials, and ephemera on essential industries that emerged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries—steam engines, railroads, motorized vehicles, agricultural/farm machinery, building and construction, mining, and more.
World's Fairs and Expositions: Visions of Tomorrow
World's Fairs and Expositions: Visions of Tomorrow gives researchers access to primary source documents about landmark exhibits from 1840 to 1923. With content types ranging from organizational and administrative records to postcards to Books of the Fairs and watercolors from the exhibitions, this archive captures the spirit, technology, design, and innovations that influenced the modern world.
Air & Space and Smithsonian Magazine Archive
Air & Space and Smithsonian Magazine Archive combines Air & Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine for the first time in a single, fully searchable digital archive. By bringing together the full history of both of these premiere magazines, decades of in-depth and expert coverage of high-demand topics and unique insights into aviation, space, innovation, history, science, technology, the arts, and culture are accessible in an integrated, intuitive display. This interdisciplinary, cross-curricular archive will engage users whether pursuing general topical information or developing deeper knowledge in a given subject area.