Body Festival 2015

The Body Festival is Christchurch's annual event of dance and physical theatre. This year it runs from 25 September to 11 October. Participation is an important part of the festival which gives everyone an excuse to give it a go and get their body moving!

As always this year's event offers a broad range of dance workshops and beginners' classes as well as performances and exhibitions.

The opening night event, No Lights No Lycra was energising (and sweaty) with the kind of upbeat playlist sure to get a body moving, but there are plenty of other opportunities to "trip the light fantastic".

Dance o mat, 2012
Dance o mat, 2012, Flickr CCL-2012-03-21-IMG_0499

Don't miss these highlights of the festival -

Speed dancing at TedX
If you're not sure what kind of dance style suits, you can try out a range of them in quick succession at the Dance-O-Mat.
Retro Aerobics
Flash back to the 1980s and "feel the burn" with this homage to the workout videos of Jane Fonda. Bring your legwarmers and leotards!
Outstanding Feet
A celebration of the diversity of dancing talent sourced from the high schools of Canterbury.
A day of hip hop
Watch a dance movie and become inspired before you join in on one of the hip hop workshops, or all three of them: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Feeling inspired and want to know more?