Copyright and reproduction of library resources policy

September 2024


The copyright and reproduction of library resources policy provides guidance around copyright and the reproduction of library resources.

The policy is underpinned by the Copyright Act 1994, the Libraries’ Content Development Policy, and the Permanent Collection Policy.


This policy covers all content developed for physical and digital collections held by Christchurch City Libraries (CCL), as well as in copyright content published on CCL websites.

CCL encourages free access to, and use of, its collections selected under the Content Development and Permanent Collection policies. CCL supports customers accessing, using and copying information as they need it, within legislative, preservation and collection management constraints.

Customers may copy or reproduce material from the library if the Copyright Act 1994 permits it and if they are compliant with the preservation practices and collection management procedures of CCL. Material may be reproduced if it fits within these guidelines and if CCL or other rights’ holders consider it to be appropriate use.

Within these constraints customers may use CCL’s copying or scanning devices to purchase a digital copy of a photographic image or use their own personal copying devices to copy material within the guidelines below.

Specific copyright applies to individual resources including license agreements for electronic resources. Refer to copyright statements accompanying each item or resource.



  1. CCL strongly supports the principles of copyright and the rights of copyright owners, and therefore takes all appropriate actions to ensure that copyright is not breached with the library.
  2. All items in CCL’s collections are covered by the Copyright Act 1994. This includes print, audiovisual, photographic and digital material.
  3. Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. Any copying of copyright material not expressly permitted by the Copyright Act 1994 may infringe copyright.
  4. CCL forbids the use of its copying or scanning devices for any purpose that constitutes an infringement of copyright.
  5. CCL provides copying or scanning facilities with the condition that users will pay CCL for any loss suffered in respect of any claim made against it for breach of copyright.
  6. Items in CCL’s Standards’ Collection cannot be copied or reproduced either in part or total.


  1. Customers must contact CCL if they wish to reproduce in copyright images for publication or display.
  2. If an image is in copyright, and the copyright is not held by CCL, permission must be requested by the customer from the copyright holder. CCL must receive the written permission before an image can be supplied.
  3. CCL will not grant broad rights such as exclusive or perpetual world rights.
  4. Customers are requested to acknowledge CCL in any use of photographic or digital images. Correct acknowledgements will be provided by CCL or are available on CCL’s websites.
  5. Some use of photographs or other images may be offensive on ethical or cultural grounds, and this may need to be discussed with CCL when applying for reproduction rights.
  6. The granting of reproduction permission does not imply permission in terms of the Privacy Act 2020.

Photographing heritage materials

  1. Photographing some collections may be restricted and approval is at the discretion of the Content Manager. Day to day decisions relating to the photographing of material held in the Archive collection may be exercised by the Library Archivist.
  2. Restricted collections may include but are not limited to:
    • the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre’s collections including those held in the Research Room, Store and ArchivesNZ,
    • microfilm, microfiche or digital collections,
    • bound volumes of newspapers
    • where photography places the material at risk of damage.
  3. Supervision by a staff member will be required. Where the photographing takes more than ten minutes, a charge for supervision may be made. This will be at the research rate with a minimum charge of half an hour.
  4. Where, for handling and preservation reasons, an item may not be photographed by the customer, it may be possible in some cases for CCL to have the item digitised. There is a charge for this.

References and related documents

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