About Wheelers eBooks

Wheelers eBooks

A wide range of fiction and nonfiction eBooks with a focus on New Zealand writers and publishers. The collection includes fiction and non–fiction items for adults, young adults and children. New material is added regularly. Use online in your browser download Wheelers ePlatform app for mobile devices.

Use Wheelers eBooks now

You can download up to ten fiction and non-fiction titles from home at any time, and books are checked out for 14 days. Holds are free and there are no late fees as items self expire. Some books can be returned early. Transfer eBook titles from your computer to portable device such as eReaders. Wheelers eBooks are compatible with most eBook readers and mobile devices except Amazon Kindle eReaders. For more information see links to Wheelers help below.

Access available for Christchurch residents only*

App information

Wheelers lending and reading app ePlatform is available in iOS (Apple) from the App Store and Android from Google Play.


*Non-city members can access all electronic resources except where specifically excluded by the terms of Christchurch City Libraries’ contractual agreements with those suppliers. Our licence agreement only allows for residents of Christchurch City to access this resource. For more information see our Membership policy.


Wheelers eBooks

A free eBook service of fiction and non–fiction titles. The collection focuses on New Zealand titles.
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