uLibrary eAudiobooks
An eAudiobook collection with exclusive content and an emphasis on UK authors and narrators.
uLibrary is the only library platform to offer Isis Publishing, Soundings, Story Sound and Assembled Stories eAudiobooks. eAudiobooks are accessible via a library specific website or through the uLIBRARY app. Available for both Apple and Android devices, the app enables you to take eAudiobooks anywhere you go.
Getting started
To get started all you will need is an internet connection, your email address and library card number and password/PIN.
- 14 day loan period.
- Check out up to 5 eAudiobooks.
- Place up to 5 holds on popular books.
- Titles on hold are automatically checked out once available.
- Reading history available.
Talking Book Clubs
You can join the uLibrary book clubs, there is an adults one and kids version too. Every month there is a great new book to listen to with no waits or holds.
Just download the uLibrary app and check out the book clubs at the start of each month.