Fiona looks at key resources that can help in the search for death and burial information in your family history.
Coincidental chess…
Sometimes life just throws unexpected coincidences at you. I finally got around to watching the fabulous 2014 New Zealand film The Dark Horse (better late than never right?), featuring Cliff Curtis as Genesis Potini, former chess champion and battler with mental health issues. The film follows his attempt to coach the local kids' chess club The Eastern Knights, and…
Raging at road cones
When a letter from SCIRT arrived in our mailbox earlier in the year, detailing the works to be done to the underground pipes on our street and those on surrounding roads, it was greeted with pleasure. The prospect of being able to 'flush without fear' after days (or even merely hours) of rain looked to…
‘Art’ is in the eye of the beholder?
What’s your take on this style of art? Love it or loathe it? Fiona recommends some great reads on street art.
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