Amy Brown, the author of the Pony Tales series, told us about her ponies in 2012: The first pony I rode was called Johnny. The size of a St Bernard dog, and brownish black, Johnny was a Timor pony, who belonged, I think, to a family that lived a few baches down from ours. I…
Susan Brocker talks about The Wolf in the Wardrobe
Susan Brocker tells us about the inspiration for her book The wolf in the wardrobe: As a writer, I’m often asked where I get the ideas for my stories. The idea for The Wolf in the Wardrobe came from our very special pet dog called Yogi. Now Yogi is a real character. He is a…
Interview with Derek Landy
In 2012, one of our young customers got to interview Derek Landy, the author of the Skulduggery Pleasant series. Romy said "It was the best day of my life meeting him in the bookshop. I am ever thankful!" What was your inspiration to write? Wow, what a first question. Ho, I don’t know because I…
Writing book reviews for kids
Here are some tips on writing book reviews for kids: Fiction When you are writing a fiction book review, these are some points that you should include: Title and Author — Make sure you include the title and the author of the book. This will help people find the book in the catalogue and read…
Learning music
Have you ever considered learning an instrument, or learning to sing? This page lists music tuition options from community information directory CINCH and links to library resources and learn-to-play materials — so you can get started and improve your skills. Search our catalogue Resources for learning piano, violin, guitar, ukulele, flute, saxophone, drums and trumpet. Music instruction Guides to…
The Reserves of New Brighton
Richard Greenaway is an Information Librarian with an interest in the history of East Christchurch. He has an eye for a good story and the skill and patience to check and cross check all kinds of references. He has compiled a wonderful array of New Brighton stories. Here he explores the reserves early residents of New Brighton could…
The bridges of New Brighton
Richard Greenaway is an Information Librarian with an interest in the history of East Christchurch. He has an eye for a good story and the skill and patience to check and cross check all kinds of references. He has compiled a wonderful array of New Brighton stories. Here he explores the bridges early residents of Christchurch used…
Christchurch – this week in history (9 – 15 March)
10 March 1963 Concerts by jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong. 10 March 1907 Foundation stone laid for the Cashmere sanitorium. Poet James K. Baxter was an undistinguished employee in the 1940s. 11 March 1899 Railway accident at Rakaia kills 4 and injures 22. The 2 trains which collided were crowded with Islington freezing workers returning from…
How to get to New Brighton
Richard Greenaway is an Information Librarian with an interest in the history of East Christchurch. He has an eye for a good story and the skill and patience to check and cross check all kinds of references. He has compiled a wonderful array of New Brighton stories. Here he explores the way early residents of Christchurch…
Science Alive! Under 5 Fest
The much-anticipated Science Alive! Under 5 Fest is coming up. It is a special event for young children run by the excellent educators of Science Alive. Kids get to experience fun hands-on science activities and exhibits. There will be a petting zoo and storytimes. Kids can play with air and sound, amazing mirrors, and giant building…
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