A Very ‘Smart’ Library – Tūranga

We were privileged to host Christchurch East School for our first two-day school in Tūranga, a programme called 'Smart' City. Christchurch is the City Of Opportunity where new, advanced technology is helping the city use resources more efficiently.

This was the focus of our programme, looking specifically at the advanced technology in the library. Jack Hartley, the Operations Support Coordinator, gave Christchurch East students an in-depth, behind the scenes tour to discuss the range of sensors used within the building.

Little did we know there was an enormous aquifer underneath the site heating and cooling the building, or that the solar panels angle with the sun to adjust the temperatures and automate the blinds.

Our students used Microbit electronics to create their own sensors. They then filmed each floor using a 360 degree camera to capture the variety of sensors used. The footage collected was then uploaded as a virtual tour.

If you want to know more about two day school programmes please contact Christchurch City Libraries Learning Centre, phone 941 5140, email learningcentre@ccc.govt.nz