Dia de los Muertos has a long history in Mexican tradition. It is celebrated on 2 November, a day set aside to remember and honour those who have died.
Day of the Dead is truly a celebration of life. When children dance with caricatures of death, eat skull sugar molds and learn to respect that life is brief, they learn there is a circle to life. This helps them to not fear death and they are free to enjoy and appreciate every moment.

Day of the Dead altars are built during Dia de los Muertos to honour the lives of those who have passed. They are often quite beautiful creations, constructed with love and care. Traditionally, every family in Mexico builds an altar on the days leading up to November 1. Some people even start weeks in advance and hire professionals to build elaborate altars. Other altars are more modest, but are still built with sincere, loving intentions.
Come to Central Library Peterborough to see a traditional Day of the Dead display and learn more about this unique celebration.
See our Dia de los Muertos display photos
Discover more
- Mexico: Day of the dead on Access Video
- Information about Day of the Dead in Encyclopaedia Britannica and World History in Context
- Find resources about Frida Kahlo in our collection and read her story in Biography in Context
- Guidebooks about Mexico in our collection
- Central Library Peterborough has a Spanish language collection.
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