A River Rules My Life has been re-released!
Originally published in 1963, Mona Anderson's unique perspective of a woman's experience on a South Island farm brings to life the High Country of days gone by.
Deep in the Rolleston Ranges, in the Main Divide of the Southern Alps, Mount Algidus Station is isolated between the mighty and dangerous Wilberforce and Rakaia rivers.
Mona crosses the Wilberforce as a new bride in the 1930s to start her life in this harsh environment. To get to her new home she must ride a dray cart for hours in a freezing wind - perched on top of all her worldly possessions - including a piano!
Mona's observations of everything from errant cooks to brave horses are quite matter of fact and entertaining, while sad events are accepted as a part of life.
When World War II takes away many farmhands never to return, Mona and her husband Ron are stretched to do many jobs, and Mona has to muck in - feeding the men, and working alongside them - often on horseback.
Poetry and "back country" ditties pepper the tale, including one written by the author. Most notable are these lines written by a young hand leaving to join the Army:
Oh land of river, rock and spur / Of sunkissed hills and sky so blue / I, a humble musterer, Will ever leave my heart with you. / Tho I dwell beneath some distant sky / My memory will ever turn / To mates I knew in days gone by / And evenings when the camp fires burn. / For I am leaving you this day / To return again. But who can tell, / For good or bad. I cannot say. Mount Algidus, I wish you well.
The charm of this book includes quaint "station names" for many local features; such as Bustmegall (Bust my gall) Creek, More-rain Hut and Boulderstone Creek (the Rolleston). Mistake 'Hill', at 7000 feet illustrates the Southern capacity for understatement.
Filled with thrills and spills (no-one is spared a dip in the Wilberforce), this book is a cornerstone of New Zealand back country life and a must for your holiday reading list.
More information
- Book Review : A River Rules My Life on Radio New Zealand Nine to Noon
- Leaving Mount Algidus Station (short video that gives a good sense of the landscape)
- Hunting on the Wilberforce Department of Conservation
A River Rules My Life
by Mona Anderson
Published by HarperCollins New Zealand
ISBN: 9781775541141
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