

Explore library resources about history - including world history, New Zealand history, local history, and family history.

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Tūranga - Heritage Highlights: Canterbury Museum

Feb 26th | 10:30am - 11:30am
Sarah Murray, Canterbury Museum’s Deputy Director, will give an illustrated talk about the Museum’s major redevelopment.

Rangahau-ā-Iwi: Te Arawa

Feb 18th | 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Come along to our Iwi Research event where the focus this month will be Te Arawa.
sagarsarah said:

It was a very good read, but you did wonder how Robert put up with his Royal Mistress and Master. The demands probably had him die young

Local and family history

VE Day in Cathedral Square. Christchurch City Libraries Photo Hunt. In copyright. CCL-PH19-JoWe-001

Local history

Explore our resources about local people, places and history.

Family history guide

Whether you're just beginning to look into the history of your family or a seasoned researcher we have a wealth of resources that can help.
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