Lyttelton residents can now borrow library books and access Council customer services under one roof.
Lyttelton Library and Customer Services at 18 Canterbury Street was officially re-opened this morning after being closed for 12 months for earthquake repairs.

The building has been strengthened, refurbished and reconfigured so it can also accommodate a Christchurch City Council Customer Service Desk.
The Council has been providing customer services from a temporary home at 15 London Street since its service centre building at 33 London Street was demolished in 2014 after sustaining significant damage in the 2011 earthquake.
“We had a lot of feedback on the library and the provision of customer services when the Council developed the Lyttelton Master Plan and this is what the community told us they wanted – the convenience of a library and other Council services all under one roof,” said Banks Peninsula Councillor and Christchurch Deputy Mayor Andrew Turner.
“To make it happen, the layout of the library has been reconfigured, and the earthquake repair period has been the perfect opportunity to do this. The building now includes a flexible space with bookable meeting rooms, a new entranceway, and improved magazine, children’s and youth areas,” Cr Turner said.
The Library and Customer Service Desk will be open Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. The library will also be on on Saturdays from 10am to 1pm.
Media release: New chapter begins for Lyttelton Library 13 March 2017