Request an Item

Request an item for our collection

Can't find what you're looking for? You can request that we buy it for our collection, and we can place a hold on it for you.
Spotted a cool book and think library customers would love it? You can suggest we should buy it.

Request an Item / Suggest to buy


  • We prefer suggestions for recent titles, but will consider older ones. This means books published in the last few years, and CDs and DVDs released in the last year - they are more likely to be available from suppliers
  • We automatically buy new titles by popular fiction authors and titles by New Zealand writers. If you want to get in the queue for these in-demand books, you can add your hold when the title appears in the catalogue.
  • If you want to suggest an item and borrow it, we will add it as a hold to your card (if you have fewer than 15 holds).
  • If you want to make a suggestion and have 15 holds already, we won't place a hold. We recommend you keep a note of your request, and put a hold on the item when have less than 15 holds.
  • We are unable to place holds on eBooks and eAudiobooks, but you can recommend titles for purchase on Libby.
  • If we don't buy the item you're requesting, you can use interlibrary loan (charges will apply).
  • Our Content Development Policy guides what items we purchase for the library collection.

Borrowing FAQ

  • Libby's Skip the Line collection are special copies of popular titles that we've set aside from the holds list so you can borrow them straight away. They work like our Bestseller Collection in our libraries, except they are in digital format and free! Titles in our Skip the Line collection are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you find a Skip the Line title, you can borrow it immediately but it does come with a few unique rules.

    Skip the Line copies of titles:

    • Have a two-week loan
    • Can't be renewed
    • Have a limit of one at a time.

    In Libby, Skip the line copies are marked with a shamrock icon. You will see the Skip the Line list on our Libby homepage, in search results, or when browsing.  There's also a Skip the line filter on the Search page.

    On our OverDrive homepage you'll see our full Skip the Line collection.

    If you want a longer lending period and don't mind waiting, you can still place a hold on a Skip the Line title.

    Here's more information about how to place a hold on a Skip the Line title in Libby.

  • You can renew items by phone, in the library, or online using your library card and password/PIN. Renewing an item renews it for its original loan period. For pay collections such as bestsellers, CDs, DVDs, and talking books, the original loan charge to borrow the item will apply when renewing. For example, if you borrow a DVD for 7 days and are charged a fee, you need to pay the same fee again to have it renewed.

    Items can be renewed once. If other customers are waiting, the item cannot be renewed.

    To renew online:

    • Click on Log in/Register (as shown in image above)
    • Enter your library card number and password/PIN to log in (see image below)

    • After logging in your username will appear at top right of the page.
    • Click on your username to the see the My Account menu.
    • Choose Checked Out under the MY BORROWING heading. Select any items you wish to renew and click Renew. A popup message will let you know if your renewal was successful.

    Items obtained via interlibrary loan can be renewed in most cases. Please ring the library before your interlibrary loan is due back to arrange this. An interlibrary loan can be renewed only once.

    Renewing other items

  • To get a library card simply join the library.

    Youth Membership is available to anyone aged under 19. A guarantor (parent or legal guardian) is required for those up to and including 17 years of age. 18-year-olds do not need a guarantor.

    For children less than 16 years old a parent or legal guardian is required to sign the membership application and take responsibility for borrowing.

  • To join the library you need

    • Either your passport or two (2) forms of ID, preferably one with a photo-ID.
    • Proof of address (no more than 30 days old). This can be a letter (physical or digital) from your bank, school, power or telephone company.
  • Please contact the library to report it lost

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