About Science Reference Center

Science resource suitable for all ages. Full text articles from all major areas of scientific study; biographies; video resources, images and experiments.

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Key features

Science Reference Center aims to meet students’ science research needs. It includes:

  • Full text science journals and reference books;
  • Science essays and biographies;
  • High-quality images in the Science Image Collection, including stunning images of landscapes, plants, animals and more from Nature Picture Library and National Geographic;
  • Science videos and animations;
  • Experiments that can be searched by age level.

With EBSCO you can save, print and email results. By creating your own account using your email address and your own password you can also:

  • Save preferences;
  • Organize your research with folders;
  • Create email alerts and/or RSS feeds.

Use at a library or enter your library card & password/PIN

More information

Science Reference Center covers: biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science and society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife. The easy to use interface allows you to browse topics by category or search by subject.

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