We have some good news - you can still create your very own international film festival from home. Your library subscribes to some great streaming services, and our latest - Beamafilm - gives you unlimited access.
Festa della Repubblica at Tūranga
We report back from the Festa della Repubblica at Tūranga celebrating Italy's national day.
An evening with Robert Burns
Helen reports back from Burns night at Tūranga, a celebration of Scottish poet, Robert Burns.
Celebrating Robbie Burns
Learn more about the annual celebration remembering Scotland’s favourite son, poet, Robert Burns.
Dewey Book Group: Cruise the world of knowledge with your guide, the Dewey Decimal System
Dewey Book Group: Cruise the world of knowledge and non-fiction with the Dewey Decimal System.
WORD Christchurch 2020: Annabel Langbein ‘Bella’
Helen reports back on an evening of foodie wisdom and colourful stories, with Annabel Langbein.
WORD Christchurch 2020: Family Ties
On Friday afternoon, Tūranga's wonderful TSB space was bustling with fans of Christchurch writers Carl Nixon and Chloe Lane. The two novelists talked of family dynamics and the craft of writing in an engaging and enlightening conversation with Kirsten McDougall. In Chloe's debut novel 'The Swimmers' , a 26-year-old woman returning home is confronted with…
WORD Christchurch: Q&A with Ray Shipley
We catch up with Ray Shipley- poet, comedian, librarian, and WORD festival guest programmer this 2020.
WORD Christchurch: Fabulous Friday
The 2020 WORD Spring festival line up has certainly reminded us of the huge talent pool New Zealand has to draw from - from artists like Grahame Sydney and Ralph Hotere, to poets like Fiona Farrell and Philip Armstrong, novelists like Witi Ihimaera and Elizabeth Knox, historians such as Brian Easton, and Martin Fisher, and…
Hercule Poirot – Celebrating 100 years
October 2020 will mark one hundred years since the very first appearance of ‘the greatest detective in the world', (his words incidentally — accurate though): Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot. The only fictional character to ever have an obituary (on the front page no less) of the New York Times, Poirot appeared in thirty-three novels and…
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