Miss Manners would probably be spinning in her grave*, but seriously, I don't know when I've laughed so hard as when I read Old MacDonald Heard a Fart! I took it home the other night, to read it to the Beecrafty family, but it seems not everyone enjoys a fart book as much as I do! Maybe I shouldn't have read it at the dinner table, because of course it prompted a raucous fart-noise competition between myself and the Young Lad, and Mr K left the room in disgust. But if you've got kids who appreciate a bit of scatological humour, this is picture book is a must!
There's just so much to love about this book. As you probably already guessed from the title, it's an irreverent, noisy version of the farmyard classic. It has lovely, vibrant, and expressive illustrations, with lots of little details and things to spy. I had to giggle at the Elvis rooster and the Jurassic Pork poster on the stable wall. The Ziggy Stardust unicorn in a Dalí landscape is really something, too.
But best of all has to be the instructions on how to create (verbally, I promise!) each fart sound. The Young Lad and I had great fun contorting our lips into the correct formations to make all the gross noises. Although he was quick to demonstrate his own favourite technique - I didn't know what an accomplished fart noise creator he was. The next night, he was most indignant when I said I couldn't read it again as I had taken the book back to work!
The story of this story is also quite something. Debut author Olaf Falafel tweeted that he needed a publisher for his new book, and before two weeks were up, he had a book deal! Isn't that twitterising a whole lot better than covfefe?
So to paraphrase Olaf Falafel (that can't be his real name, can it?) If you have a child, know a child, are a child, or act like a child** you should definitely go to a library and borrow Old McDonald Heard a Fart!
But wait, there's more! Remember that book deal I told you about? It's a three book deal, so there's more like that on the way.
Poop and Parp related books
And there's even more! I just couldn't resist putting together a list of*If Miss Manners was dead, which she's not.
**I'm guessing I fit the last category as well as the first!
Old MacDonald heard a fart
by Olaf Falafel
Published by HarperCollins New Zealand
ISBN: 9780008242794
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