
We occasionally run competitions for kids, teens and adults. Enter and win!

Ōtautahi is Flash WORD Christchurch competition

WORD is seeking a series of micro pieces of writing, from all ages, to be featured at The Crossing between August and October 2024 and it is part of WORD Christchurch Festival 2024 programme, from 27 August – 1 September.

What to submit: a memory, a scene, a moment in Ōtautahi

● Up to 100 words
● it could be microfiction, a prose poem or creative non-fiction
● tall tales, true stories or poetic moments about Ōtautahi/Christchurch
● in English and/ or te reo Māori

Entries close Monday 15 July

Find out more: Ōtautahi is Flash WORD Christchurch competition

This project is a collaboration between WORD Christchurch and At The Bay, opens a new window, with the support of The Crossing,, opens a new window the Mātātuhi Foundation and Christchurch City Council.


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