If your ancestor arrived in the South Island
If the following resources do not cover the dates you are interested in, look at the general resources for searching a passenger by name.
If your ancestor arrived in Nelson, try:
- Buckley, B. Sails of suffering
- The story of the Lloyds, which sailed to Nelson 1841-2. Includes full passenger list.
- Neale, J. Landfall Nelson: by sailing ship, 1642-1842
- Neale, J. Pioneer passengers: to Nelson by sailing ship, March 1842 - June 1843
- Both books contain passenger lists
If your ancestor arrived in Greymouth, try:
- McGirr, V. Shipping strays found in the old Grey River Arguses Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus
- Spine title - Greymouth: shipping strays, 1866-1878. Covers ship arrivals in ports around New Zealand. This includes passenger lists for ships which disappeared
- McGirr, V. Ships and passengers arriving at the port of Greymouth from other NZ ports Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus
- Spine title - Greymouth: internal passenger arrivals, 1886-1872
- McGirr, V. Ships and passengers arriving at the port of Greymouth from overseas ports Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus
- Spine title - Greymouth: overseas passengers arrivals, 1866-1872
- McGirr, V. Ships and passengers sailing from port of Greymouth to other NZ ports Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus
- Spine title - Greymouth: internal passenger departures, 1866-1872
- McGirr, V. Ships and passengers sailing from the port of Greymouth to overseas ports Lists as taken from the Grey River Argus
- Spine title - Greymouth: overseas passenger departures 1866-1872
If your ancestor arrived in Otago, try:

- Hocken, T. M. Contributions to the early history of New Zealand (settlement of Otago)
- Appendix F (pp 286-296) contains a list of vessels from Scotland to Otago 1847-1850 and the names of immigrants. For an "expanded and corrected version of Dr Hocken’s lists", consult http://www.ngaiopress.com/drhocken.htm
- Maxwell, V. Otago settlers pre-1861
- Arranged alphabetically by surname and often based on newspaper sources, this lists people who came to Otago from 1848 until the time of the Otago gold rushes in 1861. There is reference to the ships that brought people from Europe, Australia and other parts of New Zealand. Other information is sometimes given: dates of marriage, children, occupations and the sources of information.
- Patrick Henderson Shipping Company lists, 1871-1880
- Gives the names of paying passengers to depart by the P. Henderson Company’s vessels from Glasgow to Otago.
Section one: Index of ships.
Section two: Index of passengers, including names, ages, some occupations, name of ship, year and page reference number. - Otago Provincial Council. Immigration Dept. List of immigrants, debtors to the Provincial Government of Otago for passage moneys
- List of assisted immigrants who did not pay the passage money they owed.
- MacGibbon, J. Going abroad: the MacGibbon family and other Scottish emigrants to Otago and Southland, New Zealand.
- The bibliography (pp 224-7) is very useful for shipping information.
- Offwood, D. 1945. Oatcakes to Otago: a chronical [i.e. chronicle] of Dunedin’s Scottish heritage. Christchurch, N.Z. : Caxton Press, c 2003
- pp 227-259 contains New Zealand Company passenger arrivals at Otago March 1848-January 1851 plus shipping arrivals to Port Chalmers 1848-1861.