Sir Julius Vogel Awards

Christchurch City Libraries lists literary prize winners and links to catalogue searches, but we may not hold copies of all titles mentioned.

The Sir Julius Vogel awards are fan-voted awards for various endeavours in the science fiction, fantasy or horror fields by New Zealanders. Professional nominations can be for novels, short stories, art and others. Fan nominations can be for fanzine, writing, art, services to fandom, services to science fiction and more. The awards are administered by The Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand.

See more literary prize winners.


List of 2024 finalists.

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2023 winners

List of 2023 finalists.

Catalogue search for A rake of his ownCatalogue search for How to get a girlfriend when you're a terrifying monsterCatalogue record for Year's Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction and Fantasy Volume IV

2022 winners


Read more on the Sir Julius Vogel Award winners 2022 page

2021 winners

Catalogue search for The Stone WētāCatalogue search for These violent delightsCatalogue search for No man's landCatalogue search for The voyages of Cinrak the DapperCatalogue search for works by A J Lancaster

2020 winners

Catalogue search for The DawnhoundsCatalogue search for The clockill and the thiefCatalogue search for From a shadow graveCatalogue search for Year's best Aotearoa New Zealand Science fiction & fantasy, vol 1Catalogue search for Dragon pearl

2019 winners

2018 winners

2017 winners

  • Best Novel: Into the Mist Lee Murray
  • Best Youth Novel: Light in My Dark Jean Gilbert and William Dresden
  • Best Novella: The Convergence of Fairy Tales Octavia Cade
  • Best Short Story: “Splintr” A.J. Fitzwater, published in At the Edge
  • Best Collected Work: At the Edge Edited by Dan Rabarts and Lee Murray
  • Best Professional Artwork: Cover artwork for At the Edge Emma Weakley
  • Best Professional Production/Publication: That Kind of Planet Emma Weakley
  • Best Dramatic Presentation: This Giant Papier Mache Boulder is Actually Really Heavy Andrew Beszant and Christian Nicholson
  • Best Fan Production / Publication: Summer Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror Enterprise Entertainment
  • Best Fan Artwork: Keith Smith
  • Best Fan Writing: Octavia Cade
  • Best New Talent: Eileen Mueller
  • Services To Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Lee Murray
  • Services to Fandom: Lynelle Howell

2016 winners

2015 winners

  • Best Novel: Engines of EmpathyCover of Engines of empathy, Paul Mannering
  • Best Youth Novel: The Caller: Shadowfell, Juliet Marillier
  • Best Novella: Peach and Araxi, Celine Murray, Published in Conclave: A Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy by Leapy Sheep
  • Best Short Story: "Inside Ferndale", Lee Murray, in SQ Mag, Issue 12, January 2014
  • Best Collected Work: Lost In The Museum, Phoenix Writers Group
  • Best Professional Artwork: Cover for Lost In The Museum, Geoff Popham
  • Best Professional Production/Publication: Weta Digital: 20 Years of Imagination On ScreenCover of Weta Digital, Clare Burgess with Brian Sibley
  • Best Dramatic Presentation: What We Do In The Shadows, Directed by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi, Produced by Chelsea Winstanley and Taika Waititi, © Shadow Pictures 2014
  • Best Fan Production / Publication: Phoenixine, John & Lynelle Howell
  • Best Fan Artwork: Keith Smith — for contributions in Novazine
  • Best Fan Writing: Rebecca Fisher
  • Best New Talent: A.J. Fitzwater
  • Services To Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Hugh Cook

2014 winners

  • Best Novel: Heartwood, Freya Robertson
  • Best Youth Novel: Cover of Raven Flight by Juliet MarillierRaven Flight, Juliet Marillier
  • Best Novella: Cave Fever, Lee Murray
  • Best Short Story: “By Bone-Light”, Juliet Marillier in Prickle Moon
  • Best Collected Work: Baby Teeth, Dan Rabarts & Lee Murray (eds)
  • Best Professional Artwork: Cover of Regeneration: New Zealand Speculative Fiction 2, Emma Weakley
  • Best Professional Production/Publication: WearableArt
    Craig Potton Publishing
  • Best Dramatic Presentation: The Almighty Johnsons (Season 3)
    South Pacific Films
  • Best Fan Production / Publication: Phoenixine, John & Lynelle Howell
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Parker,  “Presidential Address”, Novazine & Lynelle Howell, “Presidental Sweet” / “DuhVice”, Phoenixine
  • Best New Talent: Dan Rabarts
  • Services To Fandom: The League of Victorian Imagineers
  • Services To Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Helen Lowe


Best Novel - Adult

Best Youth Novel

Best Novella/Novelette

  • Flight 404 Simon Petrie Winner
  • Fire, escape M. Darusha Wehm
  • The hunt for red Leicester Simon Petrie

Best Short Story

  • Hope is the thing with feathers Lee Murray Winner
  • Dying for the record A. J. Ponder
  • Paint by numbers Dan Rabarts
  • Wearing the star cloak Darian Smith
  • Better phones Grant Stone

Best Collected Work

Best New Talent


Best Novel - Adult

Best Novel - Young Adult

Best Novella/Novelette

Best Short Story

  • Frankie And The Netball Clone, Alicia Ponder. Available in Challenge, Issue 2, 2011. Winner
  • Crucible, Dan Rabarts, Wilywriters.
  • Azif, Lynne Jamneck. Available in Fantastique Unfettered, Issue 4, December 8th 2011.
  • Upon A Star, Debbie Cowens, Wilywriters.

Best Collected Work

Best New Talent


Best Novel - Adult

Best Novel - Young Adult

Best Novella/Novelette

Best Short Story

Best Collected Work

Best New Talent


The 2009 Sir Julius Vogel Awards were voted on at Conscription, the 2009 New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention, held in Auckland, NZ over Queen’s Birthday Weekend. Sourced from Beattie's Book Blog, June 5 2009.


  • Best Novel: Path of RevengePath of revenge cover by Russell Kirkpatrick
  • Best Novel - Young Adult: Cybele’s Secret by Juliet Marillier &
    The Sea-wreck Stranger by Anna Mackenzie
  • Best Short Story: ‘Fendraaken’ by Kevin G. Maclean, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine issue 30, July 2007 and
    ‘Mist and Murder’ by Lucy Sussex, Twelfth Planet Press, story appeared in New Ceres 2
  • Novella / Novelette: ‘Beat of Temptation’ by Nalini Singh
  • Anthology: Doorways for the Dispossessed by Paul Haines
  • Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form: Black Sheep directed by: Jonathan King
  • Best Dramatic Presentation - Short Form: Buy Kiwi Made
  • Best New Talent: Tracie McBride
  • Best Fan Writing: Ross Temple
    Ross has been writing a blog in which he provides a valuable service with the book reviews and opinions he posts on his live journal site.
  • Best Fan Production:Renaldo, first sheep on the moon? Burning Chicken Films
  • Best Fanzine: Phoenixine edited By John and Lynelle Howell
  • Services to Fandom: Simon Litten
  • Services to Science Fiction:Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Publishing Co-operative Ltd


  • Best Novel: The Assassin of Gleam by James Norcliffe
  • Best Short Story: “Western Front, 1914” by Peter Friend (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, March/April 2006)
  • Best Dramatic Presentation - Long Form: Maddigan’s QuestMaddigan's Fantasia cover - Madigan's Quest is based on this book by Margaret Mahy produced by South Pacific Films Ltd
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Robson for his column “Wot I Red On My Hols” published in Phoenixine
  • Best New Talent: Douglas A. Van Belle
  • Services to Fandom: John and Lynelle Howell for their sterling work editing Phoenixine


  • Best Novel: The Duke's Ballad by Andre Norton and Lyn McConchie.
  • Best Short Story: "The Real Deal" - by Peter Friend. Published in Asimov's Science Fiction magazine, July 2005.
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Robson for his book reviews and entertaining anecdotes in the pages of Phoenixine and Nova Zine.
  • Best Fanzine: Phoenixine, editor: Richard Scheib.
  • Best Fan Production: Short Film "King" Directed by Peter Friend
  • Services to Fandom: Norman Cates
  • Services to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Margaret Mahy


  • Best Novel: Beastmaster’s Circus by Lyn McConchie, Andre Norton
  • Best Short Story: “When Dragons Dream” - by Kevin G Maclean published in "Summoned to Destiny", ed. Julie E Czerneda
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Robson for his book reviews and entertaining anecdotes in the pages of Phoenixine and Nova Zine.
  • Best Fanzine (joint): Phoenixine editor: Richard Scheib & Time Space Visualiser editor: Paul Scoones
  • Services to Fandom: Martin Kealey
  • Services to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Ken Catran


  • Best Novel: Dark ShintoCover - Spirit Shinto Trilogy Book III by Dale Elvy
  • Best Short Story: “A Plea for Help” - by Kevin G Maclean, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6 & “The Alchemist” - by Peter Friend, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8
  • Best Fanzine: Phoenixine editor: Laurie Fleming
  • New Talent: Glynne Maclean, for Roivan - Book One of the A'nzarian Chronicle'
  • Services to Fandom: Laurie Fleming, retiring editor of Phoenixine.

Special Award

Peter Jackson et al: "The board of SFFANZ has decided that we should present a Special Award to Peter Jackson as the primary representative of his colleagues for the amazing achievement of the Lord of the Rings trilogy."


  • Best Novel: Beast Master’s Ark by Andre Norton & Lyn McConchie
  • Best Art Work: John Baster, Mary Maclachlan, for model making on “The Lord of the Rings” motion pictures
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Robson
  • Best Fanzine: Phoenixine, editor: Laurie Fleming
  • Best Art: Grant Preston
  • Services to Fandom: William and Adele Geradts for the many Armageddons of the past years
  • Services to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Weta Workshop, Weta Digital


  • Best Novel:Cover First Hunter by Dale Elvy
  • Best Short Story: “The Good Earth” by Peter Friend
  • Dramatic Presentation - Long Form: “Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring” Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Phillipa Boyens
  • Best New Talent: Dale Elvy
  • Best Fan Writing: Alan Robson
  • Best Fanzine: Phoenixine, editor: Laurie Fleming
  • Best Fan Art: Nick Kim
  • Services to Fandom: Norman Cates and the SFFANZ discussion group for their work in setting up SFFANZ and the Sir Julius Vogel Awards
  • Services to Science Fiction and Fantasy: Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Phillipa Boyens for their masterpiece work of “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring”
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