QUIZ: Crime, Scandal and Mayhem

Try our latest local history quiz and see what you know about Crime, Scandal, and Mayhem in Christchurch.


Quiz: Crime, Scandal, and Mayhem

Try our local history quiz and see what you know about Crime, Scandal, and Mayhem in Christchurch.
The “bleeding tombstone” at the Barbadoes Street Cemetery was erected for:
What year did Parker and Hulme, two Christchurch teenagers, commit murder?
What school did Parker and Hulme attend in Christchurch?
How did Edwin Turner Osbaldiston alias Dr Edwin Turner make his escape from Lyttelton in October 1876?
“Bully Hayes” (1829-1877) notorious slave trader and swindler (and temporary resident in Canterbury) was an alias used by:
The blog post Crimes of the 19th century: Canterbury Police Gazette includes a section called More quaint and unusual crimes. This gives details of some of the more unusual crimes reported in colonial era Christchurch. Which of the following does NOT appear in the list?
Mr Howard’s severed hand mystery of 1885 was actually a case of:
What is the title of Greg Newbold’s book about his 5 years in New Zealand prisons? (Greg Newbold later became a Criminology Professor at the University of Canterbury).
American Preacher-Fraudster Arthur Bently Worthington caused the only reading of the Riot Act in Christchurch. What sect did he establish in Christchurch in the 1890s?
What was the main controversy surrounding the Ellen and Frederick Mouat murder trial in Christchurch of the mid-1920s?
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