The seventh anniversary of the 22 February 2011 quake is this Thursday 22 February. There are places where the community can come together to reflect, and remember.
Service at the Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial
The seventh anniversary of the 22 February Canterbury Earthquake will be marked with a public Civic Service at the Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial site. The service will begin at 12:30pm at the Memorial site on the corner of Montreal Street and Cambridge Terrace. The service is expected to take around 45 minutes, followed by the opportunity to lay floral tributes at the Memorial Wall across the river. It will be livestreamed on the Christchurch City Council website for those who can't be there.
View the Public Civic Canterbury Earthquake Memorial Service livestream, from 12.30pm, Thursday 22 February:
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will speak at the civic service in Christchurch commemorating the seventh anniversary of the February 2011 earthquake. Find out more on Newsline.
Join us in remembering the seventh anniversary of the 22 February Canterbury Earthquake, on the North Bank of the...
Posted by Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial on Sunday, February 18, 2018
Find out more:
- Visit the Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial website.
- Like the Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial page on Facebook.

River of Flowers Earthquake Commemorations on 22 February

Community groups come together to commemorate, remember, console, update and look to the future. All welcome at any of the five sites this year:
- Otautahi The Bricks hosted by Avon Loop Res Assoc.
- Medway 'Bridge' supported by Avebury House and Avon-Ōtākaro Network
- Wainoni/Avonside at Wainoni Avonside Community Services
- Avondale/Burwood by Burwood Christian Centre
- Moncks Bay at the Christchurch Yacht Club
The sites will be hosted between 12.30 and 1.30pm, Bring a flower to drop in the river.
Find out more:
- Read the full details on the Flourish website.
- Like the River of Flowers page on Facebook.
- Subscribe to the River of Flowers event on Facebook.
Information from the River of Flowers page on Facebook.
The former CTV site - a "peaceful and reflective memorial to those who lost their lives"
Ōtākaro Limited reports that the landscaped former site of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building will be open to the public from 22 February.
The landscaped former site of the Canterbury Television (CTV) building will be open to the public from 22 February. See what it will look like when the plants and trees get established. Captions available.
Posted by Otakaro Ltd on Saturday, February 3, 2018
Read The Press article: CTV site work on track for completion before February 22 Christchurch earthquake anniversary
The site is now owned by Crown development company Ōtākaro, which has been working since October to turn the space into a peaceful and reflective memorial to those who lost their lives.
185 Chairs - Earthquake Remembrance Art Installation
Some people find this a place of contemplation and remembrance. The 185 chairs installation was created by artist Peter Majendie and is currently located on the corner of Madras and Cashel Streets.
- Like the 185 chairs Facebook page

Earthquakes and Butterflies - Theatre of Transformation (22 to 25 February at the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral)
Earthquakes and Butterflies is an exciting professional theatre piece directed by Helen Moran, shaped from the life stories of a cluster of people whose lives crisscross like the fault lines under the city. Based on the novel by Kathleen Gallagher, Earthquakes & Butterflies is full of hope, humour and tenderness - strangers help unasked, generosity is freely given and shelter is for sharing.
Our community remember the 22 February 2011 earthquake in a number of ways - by visiting a particular place, or by having a moment of silence and remembrance. We share that reflection together, wherever we are.
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