Wednesday 22 February 2023 is the 12th anniversary of the 2011 quake. There are events to commemorate those we lost; and places where the community can come to reflect and remember.
Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial
A public service will take place at Oi Manawa Canterbury Earthquake National Memorial on Wednesday to mark the 12th anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake. Those who would like to attend should arrive by 12.45pm. The service will start with a minute silence at 12.51pm and the names of the 185 people who lost their lives will then be read aloud. As each name is read a replica of the ship’s bell for HMNZS Canterbury will be struck. Mayor Phil Mauger will say a few words before the St Peter’s choir sing three songs. The service will conclude with the Mayor, families and members of the public laying floral wreaths at the wall. Please note that no seating is provided.
(Information from Christchurch City Council)

185 Chairs - Earthquake Remembrance Art Installation
Some people find this a place of contemplation and remembrance. The 185 chairs installation was created by artist Peter Majendie and is currently located at St Lukes, on the corner of Manchester and Kilmore Streets.
For the 12th anniversary of the Christchurch earthquake, on Wednesday 22nd February at 7.30pm Global Voices, a local a cappella choir will be singing at the 185 Empty White Chairs Earthquake Remembrance Installation, corner of Manchester and Kilmore Streets. Everyone welcome. No charge. This will make it a special anniversary day.
(Information from the 185 White Chairs Facebook page)
Like the 185 chairs Facebook page.

CTV Memorial
The Memorial on the former CTV site on the corner of Madras and Cashel Streets opened as a space for reflection and commemoration on 22 February 2018. 115 people lost their lives in the Canterbury Television (CTV) building.

River of Flowers (Te Waitohi Maumahara - Ceremonial Waters of Memories)
Multiple sites along the Avon and Heathcote rivers to remember (the same every year) anytime, or be together between 12.30 and 1.30pm.
A great opportunity to commune with nature through connecting and talking with our rivers and waterways. Let your grief, pain, anxiety wash away with the water.
Nothing formally organised just pop down when you feel like it.

Quake City - Wednesday 22 February
Cantabrians and visitors can mark the 12th anniversary of the 22 February 2011 earthquake with a visit to Quake City.
Since the Ground Shook - Canterbury Stories exhibition
The Canterbury Stories exhibition Since the ground shook includes images, insights and experiences from that day and the times after.
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