Expectations of Behaviour

As our Libraries are intended to be enjoyed by all, users are required to be respectful of one another, staff and the library space and resources. The following is a non-exhaustive list of behaviours which are not permitted while on library premises

You will not:

  • Take actions which prevent other users from enjoying the library space.
  • Verbally (eg. swear, yell, threaten) or physically abuse others.
  • Consume alcohol, be drunk or disorderly, or use illicit drugs. Anyone considered to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs will not be allowed entry or permitted to remain within library facilities. 
  • Smoke or vape on library property.
  • Beg, buy or sell any illicit substances.
  • Steal from the library or other library users.
  • Leave young children unattended. See our Care of children and young people in libraries policy.
  • Use a cellular phone or other device in a manner which disrupts others. Staff may require you to lower the volume on your device if they consider it disruptive.

Health and Safety and the protection of Taonga:

To protect your health and safety and that of others we require that you do not:

  • Bring drugs, alcohol, weapons of any kind, or any other items considered dangerous by library staff onto the premises.
  • Sit on tables or anywhere that may cause disruption to other visitors.
  • Disregard any safety signs or barriers.
  • Climb on walls, art works, barriers, or balustrades.
  • Block or obstruct public areas such as entrances, doorways, corridors, stairways, or fire exits.
  • Bring bicycles, scooters and similar equipment into the building.
  • Tamper with fire and/or life-safety devices, such as fire extinguishers or fire alarms.
  • Bring animals, other than certified disability assist dogs, into the library.
  • Visit the library if you are unwell or likely to be contagious to others.

You are, of course, welcome to use mobility scooters and other similar aids in the library. Please be mindful of your speed for the safety of those around you.

Behaviour contrary to these expectations is in breach of our Code of Conduct and may result in you being required to leave for the day or being trespassed from the library.

Download Expectations of Behaviour [184KB PDF]

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