Bridget Williams Books BWB online collections eBooks
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
Deep, rich and high-quality New Zealand non-fiction eBooks brought together online.
We no longer subscribe to the Knowledge Basket version, you can now access this via the University of Auckland website.
The MLCMBI is an index to the volumes of Māori Land Court Minute Books produced by The Māori Land Court — Te Kooti Whenua Māori. The Māori Land Court Minute Books contain judges' notes on court sittings from 1865 to 1910 from the Taitokerau, Waikato-Maniapoto, Tairawhiti, Waiariki, Aotea, Takitimu, and Waipounamu Māori Land Court Districts.
Physical copies of the South Island and Chatham Island minutes are held in the Ngā Pounamu Māori Centre. The entire collection is available at the Macmillan Brown Library.
The New Zealand History Collection provides complete online access to a major, authoritative resource – over thirty years of award-winning history and biography publishing from Bridget Williams Books. Over ninety titles, including recent additions to BWB’s history list such as the widely acclaimed Great War for New Zealand by Vincent O’Malley, as well as multiple works by late historian Judith Binney.
Digitised New Zealand newspapers, periodicals, letters, diaries and parliamentary papers from 1839 to 1945. Coverage includes The Press from 1861 to 1989.
Te Kerēme is a selective index to the Ngāi Tahu claim.
The Treaty of Waitangi Collection brings together leading thinking on this foundational document, including works by acclaimed scholars such as Claudia Orange, Judith Binney, Vincent O’Malley, Alan Ward and Aroha Harris. This Collection is a living resource backed by a long-term vision for Treaty scholarship into the twenty-first century.
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