Valentine’s Day – 14 February

Valentine's Day

Find out more about Valentine’s Day and find love in our collection - romantic books, movies and music.

Saint Valentine is known as the patron saint of lovers. Valentine’s Day is celebrated each year on 14 February by people giving presents of cards, flowers (often red roses) and sweets or chocolates.

Who was Saint Valentine?

There are at least two Saint Valentines recognised by the Catholic Church.

One was a priest named Valentine who lived in Rome in the third century. He was imprisoned and later executed by the Emperor Claudius on February 14, in the year 269 AD. One version of this story says that Valentine was imprisoned because he secretly married lovers, even though the Emperor Claudius had forbidden it so that he would have a supply of unmarried young men for his armies.

A different Valentine, the Bishop of Terni, was killed the same year by order of the Emperor for being a Christian.

Another story says that Valentine fell in love with his jailer’s daughter, and sent a letter to her the night before he was to be executed – the first ‘valentine card’.

Romance reading guide

Like your Romance fiction modern or historical, rural or fantastical, restrained or raunchy? Our guide can help you find 'The One'.

3, 2, 1 ... Valentine's Day

Librarians recommend 3 fiction titles, 2 non-fiction titles, and 1 movie to and love, just in time for Valentine's Day.

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If you are loving Bridgerton, and want to read more Regency romances, try these eBooks or eAudiobooks on OverDrive or Libby.

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Fiction and poetry

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Origins and history

Valentine's Day
Article from Britannica Library Kids. Use at a library or enter your library card & password / PIN.
Valentine's Day
Article from World Book Online Kids. Use at a library or enter your library card & password / PIN.
The History of Valentine’s Day
Retrieved January 29, 2024 from
Valentine’s Day
From Encyclopædia Britannica Online in our eResources. Use at a library or enter your library card & password / PIN.
The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (5 rev. ed.), David Hugh Farmer, 2011. From Oxford Reference in our eResources. Use at a library or enter your library card & password / PIN.


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