Streaming movies and television is huge right now and we have a brand new platform to check out Beamafilm. Best thing is there are no limit - All you can watch!
OverDrive hits 5,000,000 loans!
On Wednesday 18 October 6.10pm we had our 5 millionth OverDrive loan. The 5 millionth title borrowed? Julia Gets a Life by Lynne Barrett-Lee.
5 Articles on… Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT
Five articles on Artificial Intellligence AI and ChatGPT machine learning and the future of AI and computers vs human thinking
Toasty toes with snuggly socks and slippers
Knit some socks and slippers for Knit in Public Day, Saturday 10 June. Simone suggests resources with knitting patterns to try.
Tracking your reading in 2023
Reading shelves, recording your reads reading lists
5 Articles on … 5 birds (of the year)
Bird of the Year 2022 Kōtuku ngutupapa - Royal spoonbill, Kōkā - South Island kōkako Native birds New Zealand
5 Articles on… Swearing
Search for facts on eDS eResources Discovery Search on swearing, cussing or profanity.
Arrrrrr it be Talk like a Pirate Day on Monday 19 September
Ahoy mateys! If it's pirate chatter ye be after, you've come to the right place. Mango's Pirate Language Course will teach you how.
Soft skills and how to develop them
Want a promotion or a new job? Find out about the skills that employers want now.
Shifting Grounds – Joint winner of the 2022 Ernest Scott Prize
Lucy Mackintosh’s acclaimed book, Shifting Grounds: Deep Histories of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, has been jointly awarded the 2022 Ernest Scott Prize for History.
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