Books and Reading
Comics Plus
Books and Reading
Books and Authors
BorrowBox Music, audio & video
Cambridge Companions Online Academic & Research Reference: dictionaries, encyclopedias etc
Comics Plus
Gale Literature Resource Center Academic & Research
Literary Reference Plus Academic & Research Reference: dictionaries, encyclopedias etc
Information about thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes for all literary research needs.
NoveList Plus
OverDrive eBooks Music, audio & video
OverDrive for Kids eBooks
OverDrive for Teens eBooks
Poetry and Short Story Reference Center Academic & Research Reference: dictionaries, encyclopedias etc
Classic and contemporary poems, as well as short stories, biographies and authoritative essays on such topics as poetic forms, movements and techniques.
PressReader Newspapers
Online access to today’s newspapers and magazines from around the world in full colour in their traditional format and layout including complete editorial content, graphics, advertising, classifieds and crossword puzzles.
Please read this for important changes to NZ content on PressReader app.
Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive, 1902 – 2011, The Newspapers
The only literary weekly to offer comprehensive coverage of the most important publications as well as reviewing theatre, cinema, music and exhibitions. Founded in 1902 as a supplement to The Times (London) it would latter become a separate publication in 1914.
uLibrary eAudiobooks eBooks
eAudiobook collection with exclusive content and an emphasis on UK authors and narrators.
Wheelers eBooks eBooks
A wide range of fiction and nonfiction eBooks with a focus on New Zealand writers and publishers. The collection includes fiction and non–fiction items for adults, young adults and children. Borrow with your library card and password / PIN.
Access available for Christchurch residents only.