Discover Canterbury: Did you know Isobell Steel?

Did you know Mrs Isobell Steel?

Mrs Isobell Steel, Clothing designer. © Christchurch Star. CCL-StarP-00881A.

This photograph is on Canterbury Stories as part of our Star Copy Print collection and was taken between 1960 and 1964.
The handwritten description on the back of the image says that Mrs Steel was a Christchurch clothing designer and is seen in her workroom with fabrics whilst planning a new gown design.

We would love to learn more about Isobell Steel, and we need your help! Any information about her, her shop, or the Christchurch fashion scene of the era is invaluable.

Do you have photographs of Christchurch designers or boutiques? Your contributions can enrich our collection and preserve the city’s fashion history.

Discover Canterbury

Discover Canterbury is a fortnightly blog post promoting beautiful, interesting, weird, and wonderful digital content from our Canterbury Stories and Discovery Wall collections.
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